The King Edward VI School Morpeth Uniform

The King Edward VI School Uniform Policy 2022
We believe uniform can play a key role in:
- promoting the ethos of a school
- providing a sense of belonging and identity
- setting an appropriate tone for education
By creating a common identity amongst all students, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes. We must insist that all students follow the correct uniform to ensure fairness to all.
The following uniform policy has been devised with due consideration of the statutory guidance from the Department for Education which can be found here.
Most items of uniform can be purchased from a range of supermarkets and department stores.
However the blazer will need to be purchased from Emblematic, either online at or in their Morpeth shop at Unit 2 The Old Stables, Grey's Yard, Morpeth, NE61 1QD. Please note the store is open Wednesday to Saturday.
The King Edward VI School Uniform
- Blazer black with school badge - Authorised style only. Blazers must be worn at all times when moving around the building but may be removed in lessons with permission
- School tie - must be worn at all times
- Plain, formal, flat fronted or single pleat black school tailored trousers. Authorised style only. Full length, no denim, canvas/linen material, cargo-type or leggings
- Plain black charleston or box pleat school skirt - Authorised styles only. Skirts must not be rolled or folded at the waist. Skirts must be worn with plain black opaque tights
- Plain white school shirt with a collar. No logos allowed. Shirts must be tucked into trousers/skirt
- Plain black V neck knitted jumper (Optional) School jumpers can only be worn beneath the school blazer. No other jumper / hoody will be accepted
- Belt - Plain black only to be worn with trousers in belt loops
- Shoes - Plain black low heeled polishable shoes, suitable for school (no logos, mules, sandals, flip flops, thin heeled shoes, pumps. Boots must be no higher than ankle
- Jewellery - Watches are permitted (rings, bracelets or necklaces are not permitted). One earring per lobe – small and plain sleeper or stud (facial jewellery or retainers are not permitted)
- Hair and nails - Hairstyles must be an appropriate style and a natural colour. Nails must be natural in colour and no acrylic nails allowed
- Make up - Must be natural looking only
- Outdoor wear - No outdoor wear, such as coats, hats, scarves must be worn in the building and no baseball caps to be worn on the school site
The King Edward VI School PE Kit
A choice of one of the following three tops:
- Rugby shirt, polo shirt, or t-shirt - School Design or Plain black only
- Plain Black shorts or skort
- Plain Black tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings
- Plain black or white sports socks
- Hoody (optional) - School design or Plain black only
- Appropriate footwear - Trainers and Football / Rugby boots
For all uniform we reserve the right to determine suitability for school.
Second Hand Uniform Provision
We encourage all students and parents to donate any unwanted uniform that remains in good condition. This can be done via either Student Support or Stobhill Link. Stobhill Link has uniforms to give away regardless of financial circumstances. They welcome anybody from any background to use their free school uniform service. Just contact them on 01670 519575.
(Orders are processed daily Wednesday-Saturday and depending on stock availablity from our suppliers,
orders could take longer than 28 days to deliver. We shall endeavour to get the order dispatched ASAP.)
Please see our home page for store opening times & Contact information. This School is only stocked in our Morpeth Store.
School Uniform cut off date for back to school is midnight 21st July 2024, we will do our upmost to get your order delivered before the start of term, subject to supplier stock availability.
Orders after this date are not guaranteed and can take over 28 Days due to supply and demand.